I just want to find a quiet place by a stream or river and listen to the water rush over the rocks. Listen to birds and leaves rustling as the wind blows lightly through the trees. I want to decompress……better yet if I could just pick my brain up and set it aside so that I could just relax in my imaginary quiet place.
It’s funny, my therapist tells me I belong to a gifted group of people he refers to as “compassionate’s”. He reminds me of this every time I start venting about why I feel that it’s always me that ends up doing every thing for every one. My daughter calls it controlling. LOL Maybe it’s both. Maybe they’re one in the same. It’s exhausting just thinking about thinking about it {insert eyeroll here}.
So how in the world do I turn this gift around? I think this could also just be termed “people pleaser”. And yet it is more than that. It’s like taking the “people pleaser” to the next level. Does anyone else think it’s just exhausting being themselves? One problem about trying to change all this ……. isn’t that what makes me a nice person to be around? How do I keep that but cut the amount of situations I get myself into……just because I want to “help” {double eyeroll}.