Moment to Moment

The past can be full of emotions. Mine certainly are. And every time I experience something that triggers those memories, it also brings the emotions I felt with it. 

But what if you were able to remember your past without all the emotional baggage? All of a sudden you are able to live in each and every current moment. Your history helped shape you, whether good or bad and from that there were lessons learned. So it’s good to remember, but you don’t have to keep the emotion attached to it.

What if you took each current moment and shaped it to your desired perspective? You might then be able to observe the barriers and overcome them. You would experience all the new opportunities that solving those hurdles would achieve. You could live each moment without anger, resentment, regret and doubt. Because you do not have the emotions that originally came with your past memories that current events used to trigger.

I believe we are all capable of achieving this as energy likes energy. Some call it karma. But no matter what you call it, we are all made up of energy. I look at this as if I were a magnet. Magnets attract magnets on one side and repel them on the other side. So repel what you don’t want in your moment, and attract by visualizing the positive outcome you want.

This is not an overnight snap your fingers event. You need to live in this, day after day. Slowly you will recognize the kind of moments you were looking for.


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